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About Life Sciences

We live on a vast planet, alongside billions of other living organisms—both visible to the naked eye and not. Life Sciences introduces students to the interdisciplinary nature of the life sciences and explores how we might best apply the knowledge we gain to better our community, our nation and the world we share with our fellow inhabitants.


Discussing a range of topics, including molecular biology, human genetics, ecology, evolution, conservation and ethics, students in this Scholars program seek to answer big questions:

  • How do we use our knowledge and skills to improve various aspects of human health? 

  • How do we create a sustainable future for all life forms?

  • How do the life sciences interact with our daily lives (religion, politics, relationships, business, the arts)?


Ultimately, students discover how they might build toward careers to help their fellow human beings and other life on this planet.


This program offers a close community of students who share a common passion for life sciences, broadly defined, and an enduring concern for the well-being of others.

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