Your internship sounds so cool! It was great that you got to interact with patients and assist with handing off dental tools too, so you could gain more experience with the tools and procedures.
Ashna Bhatia
17 mai 2021
I really liked this opportunity! I'm pre-dental so this sounded really interesting to me. Being able to interact and deal with different type of patients is def an incredibly important skill to learn so good for you
Anjali Justin
06 mai 2021
Hi Sindhu! I really enjoyed learning about your experience at a dental office since I shadowed in one as well. It is great that you were able to interact with the patients!
Ria Dubey
06 mai 2021
Hi Sindhu!
I think your experience was really cool, because dentistry is a super immersive place to shadow. I think its cool that you were able to assist, as well as observe patient interaction and have direct conversations with patients. Empathy during patient discomfort is super important, and it seems like you have this down!
Jeremy Wang
06 mai 2021
Hi Sindhu, shadowing is a great way to gain a lot of experince towards medicine in general, as the proffesional you shadow can teach you a lot. It seems like this experince wass very educational, and even gave you experince with paitents, which is very important.
Your internship sounds so cool! It was great that you got to interact with patients and assist with handing off dental tools too, so you could gain more experience with the tools and procedures.
I really liked this opportunity! I'm pre-dental so this sounded really interesting to me. Being able to interact and deal with different type of patients is def an incredibly important skill to learn so good for you
Hi Sindhu! I really enjoyed learning about your experience at a dental office since I shadowed in one as well. It is great that you were able to interact with the patients!
Hi Sindhu!
I think your experience was really cool, because dentistry is a super immersive place to shadow. I think its cool that you were able to assist, as well as observe patient interaction and have direct conversations with patients. Empathy during patient discomfort is super important, and it seems like you have this down!
Hi Sindhu, shadowing is a great way to gain a lot of experince towards medicine in general, as the proffesional you shadow can teach you a lot. It seems like this experince wass very educational, and even gave you experince with paitents, which is very important.